
The Caddo Parish Clerk of Court's Office is responsible for drawing names for jury pools for both Civil and Criminal juries for the First Judicial District Court. A new General Venire is frequently updated.

Jury Duty FAQ

Search Jury Venires

Watch Our Jury Selection Video

Complete your questionnaire online

If you have been selected for a jury

If you receive a summons to serve as a juror, follow these four basic instructions:

  1. Read the summons. The address, date and other pertinent information regarding your scheduled appearance are written on your summons.
  2. You must complete and return your jury questionnaire within ten days either by mail or online at the link above. Any requests to be excused or deferred will not be processed until your questionnaire is received.
  3. Call to receive your reporting time. Your summons will have instructions directing you when to start calling to find out if you must report on your first day. Please be patient when calling. There are limited phone lines.
  4. On your day in court, plan to attend court as a juror all day from approximately 9:00AM to 5:00 PM. The time you are released will depend on the court's schedule.

Watch the Jury Training Video

Please dress appropriately. Shorts, tank tops or T-shirts with inappropriate slogans are not permissible. Please be prompt.

Anyone over 70 years of age can be excused automatically by marking number 15(a) on your jury questionnaire and returning it by mail or online at the link above.

A doctor's statement is not required for persons over 70 years of age.

You can arrange to be excused from service or to postpone your service to a later date within certain restrictions. Any person who has served on a jury during the past twenty-four months may be excused with proof of service. Any person that is enrolled as a full time student can be excused upon the Court receiving your jury questionnaire with verification of enrollment as a full time student. You may request to postpone your jury service to a more convenient time. Up to two weeks prior to your reporting day, postponements can be requested by emailing juryduty@caddocourt.org

If you are selected to serve on a trial, your term of service will be determined by the Court. Trials vary in length, but generally last one week. If you are not selected to serve on a trial by the end of your first day at the courthouse and are not ordered by the court to return for a subsequent day of jury selection, you must call in each evening after 6:00 p.m. for daily reporting instructions until released by the Court.

You are to report to Room G-18 at the Caddo Parish Courthouse located at 501 Texas Street. The courthouse entrance on Marshall Street is handicap accessible. There are only two handicap parking places on Marshall Street, so arrive early or have someone drop you. The Court does not pay for parking. It is not recommended to park at a meter as you will not be free to continually feed the meter throughout the day. You may park in any of the parking lots available downtown. Lot locations and pricing can be found here.

Accommodations may be made for the hearing-impaired, but the Court must be notified two weeks prior to your reporting date. If you cannot report to jury duty for a medical reason, you must submit a current letter from your doctor stating that your medical condition prevents you from serving on a jury. Please send it with your questionnaire. If you have already mailed your questionnaire, please fax the letter to (318) 429-7645.

If you no longer reside in Caddo Parish, please send verification of your new residency in with your jury questionnaire. For example: new driver's license, voter registration or utility bill. You may fax this information to (318) 429-7645. To avoid being summoned in the future, you can contact the Caddo Registrar of Voters at (318) 226-6891 to complete removing your name from the voter rolls in Caddo Parish.

Helpful Links

Parking for Caddo, Federal and City Court

Places to eat in Downtown Shreveport

For More Information
Call 318-429-7694
Email the Jury Coordinator at juryduty@caddocourt.org