Interpreter Services
The Language Access Office of the First Judicial District Court is responsible for providing meaningful access to the courts and court-sponsored services for individuals who may not be English proficient or are deaf or hard of hearing. To meet this need, the Court employs the services of highly skilled court interpreters.
Requesting an Interpreter
To request a court interpreter for a non-English speaker, deaf, or hard of hearing person, please submit your request to the Language Access Coordinator. Please submit your request immediately upon being notified of the hearing date and time. This will avoid delays or continuances due to interpreter unavailability.
Judicial Administrator, Language Access Coordinator
First Judicial District Court
501 Texas St., Ste. 300
Shreveport, LA 71101
(318) 677-5340
Who pays for interpreter services?
The Language Access Office may provide interpreters free of charge in all criminal and civil in-court proceedings and court-sponsored events, as required by federal and state law.
The court interpreter's role
In court, interpreters are responsible for allowing non-English speaking, deaf, or hard of hearing persons to be legally present and to participate effectively in all judicial proceedings.This responsibility is set forth in, La. Const. Art. I, Sect. 22, "All courts shall be open, and every person shall have an adequate remedy by due process of law and justice, administered without denial, partiality, or unreasonable delay, for injury to him in his person, property, reputation, or other rights."
Interpreters use three modes of interpretation in their work: simultaneous, consecutive, and sight translation of written documents. Interpretation is done without adding, editing, or deleting anything from the original statement. Additionally, interpreters must comply with the ethical rules outlined in the Louisiana Supreme Court Code of Professional Responsibility for Language Interpreters.
Report concerns about a court interpreter
Please submit all comments, concerns, or complaints relating to an interpreter in writing to the following address. More information about the complaint process and complaint forms are available at Louisiana Supreme Court's Language Access Complaints.Office of Language Access
Louisiana Supreme Court
400 Royal St., Ste. 1190
New Orleans, LA 70130-8101
Resources and Documents
Formulaire de plainte (français) (à venir)